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Sunday 15 May 2011

Belief in the Hereafter

Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu narrates : Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wassalam said :
When Allah had created Paradise,He said to Jibrail ('Alaihis Salam): Visit it! So he saw it,returned,
and submitted: O my Rabb (Sustainer)! By Your Might and Honour,none shall hear about it except
that he shall (strive to) enter it! Then Allah surrounded it with adversities (adherence to Shari'ah,
which is against human nature) and ordered: O Jibrail! visit it (again)! So he went ,saw it,
and returned; then submitted: O my Rabb! By Your Might and Honour,indeed I fear that none
shall (be able to) enter it! Then, Allah created the fire (of Hell) and said: O Jibrail! visit it!
So he saw it,returned,and submitted: O my Rabb! By Your Might and Honour, none shall hear
about it except that he shall (strive to) avoid it! Then (Allah) surrounded it with carnal desires
(and incongruous activities),and ordered: O Jibrail! visit it (again)! So he went,saw it,
and returned;then submitted: O my Rabb! By Your Might and Honour, and Majesty; I fear that
none shall(be able to)avoid it!